A Beginners Guide to Posing for Pictures

Posing for Pictures 101

Hello! My name is Lauren and I will be your posing guide 😍I would like to think I am a bit of an expert here in the field of modeling, I always wanted to model and I actually had my first gig last month!! It all began back in middle school when I was OBSESSED with America’s Next Top Model. I just loved the fashion and the images created by a camera. As I grew older, I began to take more pictures on my own and eventually with photographers. To me, there is nothing more fun than getting your picture taken!!

That being said, sometimes it can be challenging to know how to pose and look your best in pictures. Below, I have 3 easy poses to start off with. Some of my key tips are to look at the light, create angles, and have fun!! Now, keep reading to see how it’s done. (also don’t judge the names we’re just going with it)

The Look Away

Here are just a “few” examples of head turn pictures!! When I would shoot in my apartment especially, I got the best shots looking away from the camera! The profile is both flattering and allowed for light to hit my face. Personally, I would experiment with the angle of your face. I tend to look up to decrease the chances of a double chin 😆Also, when you pose with your face turned, play with your hair! It’s a great time to mess with a pony tail or show off some braids. Overall, this is one of my all time favorite poses 💗

Look Back at It

Ah yes, the look back at it. One of my all time favorite poses!! I love this one especially for booty-friendly pictures, it gets all the angles looking their best. If you have a cool design on the back of your outfit, I say let this pose shine. With this pose in particular, I recommend some movement. This could be via walking away from the camera, riding a bike, or just moving your body! The key is to be relaxed, and truthfully that applies to any picture. If you are having fun and are comfortable in what you are wearing (never wear anything you don’t like. It’s a waste of time), the camera will pick up on it!!

Sitting on Anything Really

I love a good seated picture!! When taking these, make sure to create triangles with your arms or legs. The key is to provide visual interest with your body, you don’t want to look one dimensional. Also, while posture isn’t everything, definitely make sure to pay attention to how you are leaning. I like to lean back for most pictures, it flattens the tummy and is honestly the most comfortable. Finally, add in a silly peace sign or blow a kiss to the camera when seated. Sometimes it’s the goofiest picture’s that end up best!!


Before you go out to take your next pictures, make sure to practice some poses in the mirror. I love posing and testing out some moves before I actually meet with a photographer. Once you are out there, don’t forget to have fun!! Modeling is a great way to capture amazing outfits and memories. If you use any of these tips, be sure to tag me on Instagram!



** Part of these outfits may have been gifted or sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links that are no cost to you! I just may receive some commission through your shopping ❤️All thoughts and opinions are also of my own!