Why Every Small Blogger Needs a Marketing Consultant

Social Media Consultant

When I first got into content and social media marketing, I was lucky enough to intern with a local marketing firm! While this experience was invaluable to me (I learned so much that summer plus I made a best friend!), I do believe there is a far more inexpensive route; media consultants! Enter yours truly, a nano influencer marketing consultant. I specialize in helping small influencers grow and develop their brands, while making invaluable connections along the way! Let’s dive in to what that will entail.

What is a Social Media Consultant?

A social media consultant is someone that goes in and improves your social media platforms. In my case, I either audit pages and see what is going well and what is not or you can come in with specific questions and goals for improving your content. Essentially with the guidance of a consultant, you have someone who has prior experience in social media marketing and can use their own journey to guide and aid you in yours!

How does a Consultant Session Work?

In my case, I spend one hour on Zoom per session where I answer all your questions and talk to you about what is going well and what is not. Having worked in marketing for nearly 2 years now and having a marketing degree under my belt, I have seen and grown with social media quite a lot! From BLM last year to growing to 10,000 followers, I have a lot to say in this field!

With these sessions, I also like to allow the client to lead their hour. Think of me like a guide instead of instructor who will tailor make a content strategy for you and if you choose to hire me on retainer, we can deep dive into different media platforms and hacks while I provide weekly “homework” assignments! This will allow you stay on track and grow at your own pace.

Where do I sign up?!

Now that you get the gist of a consultant, be sure to fill out the contact form in my directory or email me at lauren.trivison@gmail.com! I cannot wait to schedule a meeting with you to get your content situated. At the end of the day, I am most passionate about people starting an actual business here on social media and I know money can be made from these platforms. In the last year, I have made thousands of dollars and am on track to make thousands more by the end of 2021! If a 23 year old from Washington can do it, so can you!



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