3 Easy Ways to Stay Inspired as a Blogger

Content Creator Inspiration

Earlier this week, I asked my Instagram stories what questions they had surrounding content creation and influencer marketing. You were so helpful and asked how I stay inspired as a full time creator? Well, it can be difficult at times to be honest with you but I try to keep myself inspired with these 3 tips!

One: Consume Similar Media to Yourself

Always remember to actually be social on your social media!

Honestly, one of my biggest tips as a content creator is to be a consumer as much as a creator! I am always on Tiktok and Instagram observing both my peers and creators in similar industries. You see, by watching what others are doing you can learn of trends and adapt them to fit into your particular niche. Of course you never want to copy anyone, but there is immense value in garnering an understanding of trends and figuring out what your audience is enjoying!

Two: Ask Your Audience What They Enjoy

Of course the best way to make content for your audience is to listen to said audience! I am always polling my audience and observing trends amongst my content engagement. At the end of the day, it is your audience that ultimately shops what you share and is the reason for your engagement every day online. When you start investing in them and providing what they come to see, it’s easier to create content.

Along this same vein, keep an eye out for comments and DMs from your audience when they want tutorials for hairstyles or makeup looks (if of course you are in the fashion and lifestyle niche). By always listening to your audience and keeping their wants and needs in mind, you will never cease to create content because there is always a new spin you could take for a product or idea!

Three: Explore and Observe

Never be afraid to explore and try something new as a creator!

Finally what I would argue to be my most important tip is to constantly explore and expose yourself to the arts. Whether that is travel, going to a museum, or just partaking in everyday life, there is so much to inspire you out there! I prefer to do this through travel because it allows me to meet new people and try new things, but you can go out into a new part of town to get the same gist.

Similarly, make sure you take time to observe the world around you. I oftentimes like to think of myself as a sponge because I am constantly observing and soaking up new information. This may come in the form of a nature walk and looking at the colors around me, or it could be through shopping at a local store and adapting the trends to my personal style. Either way, there is so much value to observation as a creator!

Happy Creating

I hope this post inspires your future content! While I admit it can be challenging at times to constantly be coming up with new post ideas, there is so much value to taking a step back and looking at the world and voices around you. Of course you want to maintain your personal perspective when creating but there is value in evolving as a creative and adapting the world around you to your personal perspective. Remember, there is no other person who has lived your exact life so use that to your advantage!

Until next time,
