4 Simple Ways to stay Organized as a Digital Creator

How to Stay Organized as a Digital Creator

When working as a content creator, organization can be rather difficult. From the constant influx of emails to pitching and just creating content, it’s a lot for just one person! Do not fear though, I rounded up my top 4 ways to stay organized as a creator. From spreadsheets to notes, you will be prepared and ready in no time to manage your work with ease.

One: Plan Out Posts

Just a bit of planning each week can make a world of difference!

When I first started off in social media, I actually had a content marketing internship. At this role, I learned how to organize posts for clients and the same rules apply to yourself. Personally I write out my posts a week or so in advance for platforms like Instagram and use some of the same videos for my TikTok. By thinking ahead and typing out the captions to all my posts, I feel more organized and prepared for the week ahead.

As a double bonus, it reminds me of what I need to capture in my day to day life when I am out with friends or off exploring on my own. This memory trick has allowed me to reinforce important information and when writing on pages like Google Sheets, you get an automatically saved version of your work. I constantly refer to it on my phone and laptop throughout the week leading to my best possible content!

Two: Create Personal To Do Lists

Tailor your to-do list to what fits your exact needs

My next piece of advice is to provide yourself with to do lists. This could be a running list on a word document or you can use the reminders app on your phone to add in ideas/projects you want to complete. I personally prefer the phone version because the app allows you to check off completed items and I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed as I have in the past.

When working with brands, this is also a great space to remind yourself of upcoming projects or edits. Remember, you always want to be timely and overachieve for the businesses you are working with and representing. I like to even add timers and alerts for bigger projects so I can complete time sensitive work within the restraints.

Three: Make a List of Brands to Pitch to

Again, lists are the best way to stay organized as a creator. Another tip I gleaned during my corporate experience (this time at Chick-fil-A) was writing out any leads you wanted to work with. This can be a part time job in and of itself so you want to be as thoughtful and organized as possible. I personally recommend creating a spreadsheet and writing out the contacts name, email, the gist of the message, and when you reached out to them. Then you want to follow up if you did not initially hear back from them to further discuss the partnership. By having everything written out for you to see, it’s easy to go back to brands and look at who you want to reach out to next because you already did the preparatory work!

Four: Create a Content Space

Clean, simple spaces to work in will always lead to success!

My final tip is to section off certain spaces in your home or room for content creation. I personally devote half of a room to my work at home and keep it clean and organized. By having a special area devoted to work, you in turn trick your mind into creativity because it knows you are going to create in the space. I also find it helps me stay organized since I like to maintain a clean aesthetic for my work. It’s also going to make you feel more like a professional in the field, what a win win!

Happy Creating

I hope the tips above help you in your content creation journey! If you are starting out in particular, now might just be the best time to really get yourself organized and settled into a routine. Remember, organization and helpful habits are the keys to success. By practicing daily these tips and tricks, you will be well on your way to a successful career in content creation!

Until next time,
