3 Reasons Why Bloggers Need to Diversify Their Platforms

Why Bloggers Need Various Platforms

As a blogger, I have loved diversifying my platforms over the last few years. I got my start on Instagram and a few months later moved on to a website. From there, I made my way onto TikTok and Pinterest and haven’t looked back. With the modern digital landscape, it’s imperative that we create several types of content to reach our maximum potential audience. By spending time on an array of websites, business will steadily grow and you can increase profits like never before! To learn how, just keep reading.

Your Audience will Inevitably Grow

First, when a creator begins to spread out from just one platform, they start to find a wider audience! I know for me, this has happened mainly on my Instagram but I’ve noticed moderate success through my Tik Tok and my Pinterest as well. Thus, as my outside platforms continue to grow, I have been able to then turn those followers into Instagram followers or blog followers! While this can be a bit slow or tedious, intentionally building a brand over several platforms can allow for a more valid reputation and can show your overall audience the many sides of your brand and character. It’ll also help to generate new followers because that person may resonate with one piece of content over another.

You as a Creator Grow

Me after 2.5 years of content creation! Jacket; Bodysuit; Shorts; Boots; Bag

Another benefit to spending time on various platforms is the personal growth! I have grown and evolved so much as a content creator due to my willingness to try new things and I’m so proud of that. Initially, I began as a model and quickly learned how to take my own photos and learned all about lighting and composition within photographs. From there, I got better at videography as well and telling stories in under 60 seconds. Each little lesson compounded into a new toolkit for me to then go out and make special advertisements for brands.

Different Platforms = More Money

Finally, by diversifying your platforms, you can diversify your income! I like to think of my various types of content as a way to tack on payments from brands because the more I offer, the more money I could make. In the past, this has turned into Instagram and Blog post ads or Tiktok and Instagram sponsorships. With both instances, I was able to charge more for these bundles and really added value to both my personal brand and the brands I was working with.

Increase your Platforms!

I hope this post inspired you to increase which platforms you are spending time on. I know personally this is reminding me to diversify my content even further to increase holiday sponsorships and just to grow my platforms overall! Oftentimes you can just recycle content for a few platforms and bam you are one step closer to achieving your digital goals!

Until next time,
