How to Start a Blog From a Content Marketer

Launch Day

I can’t believe it’s already June 1!!! Today, I am launching my first ever e-course with my friend Kathryn teaching you how to start a blog!! After a year of blogging and social media work, I wanted to create an online course to teach newcomers how to start their own blog and brand. As a growing blogger myself, I know the importance of marketing in your media strategy. It’s hard work, don’t get me wrong. But it’s the best work and investment you will ever put into yourself. Keep reading to see how you can turn your dreams into a reality!

Who should Invest?

First, we should look into who this course is best suited for. If you are anyone with a passion project, whether that is food, fashion, lifestyle or travel, you will benefit from this course! In the COVID era especially, now is a great time to take your interest and turn it into something big. For those of you wondering if you should start a blog, this is your sign!!

What is Included?

In our course, we will teach you how to decide on a name, colors, and website format. We’ve also provided tutorials for sites like Canva and we also created some fun PDFs to help you map out your own brand! Best part of the class? You can learn at your own pace and you are able to comment in the lessons for further information from myself or Kathryn. Finally, you get lifetime access to our course so you can always go back as time goes on.

Why this Course?

I know Kathryn and myself are not large bloggers. However, we have years of content marketing experience and utilize these branding strategies on our own pages. In Kathryn’s case, she once ran a lifestyle blog that she shared on Instagram and on Pinterest. Now, she has evolved into family blogging and also owns a marketing agency where she teaches clients all the time how to create their own brand. In my case, I own this blog and run a growing Instagram account where I share daily outfit ideas. I utilize all of the information from this course to promote and maintain my brand online. On the side, I also work in content marketing and have found the best practices for small businesses also apply to blogging. With this knowledge, valued at hundreds of dollars, Kathryn and I created this course for only $45!! I wanted this price to be accessible for anyone just starting out and not looking to invest to heavily into their passion project.

How to I Buy?

If you would like to join our course, just visit FFM on Teachable. Remember, this course is such a steal and for those buying on June 1-8 2020, you get an automatic 33% off your purchase!! I can’t wait to meet you in this course and make sure to follow myself and Kathryn on our social pages. As 2020 continues, make sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming courses. These will include how to grow your new website, how to leverage social media in blogging, and how to take your blog to the next level! If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

See you in the course!


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