How to Easily Plan Blog Content for Beginning Bloggers

Importance of Preparing Blog Content

Let me be the first to say coming up with blog content is not the easiest thing, especially when you don’t have a plan! Depending on your niche, it can be rather challenging deciding what to actually post about! I know for the longest time I was awful at coming up with posts. For me, it’s been a struggle to decide what I want to write about. I try to focus on fashion, but I also strive to provide blogging and marketing tips, along with lifestyle content and travel guides! Over the last two months though, I have finally focused my blog and set myself up for success using the following tips and tricks!

Section Out Your Blog

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Before you truly start planning out blog content, first you need to create blog sections and know your niche. Personally, I am a fashion blogger primarily, with outside interests in marketing, lifestyle, and travel. With these various interests come various tabs on my actual website, like I have above. I believe organization is the key to a successful blog and when you focus in on your passions, creating content around them becomes far simpler!

Read Other Blogs

Sometimes we can get stuck in our own ways and we forget to read different blogs! I know I have been guilty of just looking at my own blog, which always ends up leaving me in a rut. Instead, I recommend reading all types of blogs, from blogs in your niche to completely different topics. This allows you to gather ideas on what you should do with your own content because you can see what you do and do not like! I recommend improving what you dislike, and mimicking what you do like.

Pay Attention to Digital Content

When you blog, be aware of the trends and content your fellow bloggers are producing. This can come from Instagram fashion trends to popular Pinterest pins. Typically, the easiest things to write about are things we are most familiar with. By truly paying attention to your surroundings and maintaining a close eye on what is going on around you, content will begin jumping out at you! I personally use TikTok and Instagram to base most of my content off of. There are so many fun ideas circulating and I like to add my own twist on the blog!

Prepping Blog Posts

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Once I curate my content ideas, I then go into my notes and write down what I want to talk about! Depending on what is going on in a particular month, I then go in and map out what I want to share. Typically, I try to have two posts a week with one post falling under the fashion category. The key to a great blog is a thought out blog! You don’t need to make an exhaustive list for the year; but you should instead chunk out a season or so and allow for some flexibility. This way, you aren’t overwhelming yourself and you can see a roadmap for the following weeks.

Write When you Can

Once you start on your lists and begin writing posts, be sure to chunk out writing time and get yourself in a writing mood, whatever that might mean for you. I notice when I am focused and prepared, I can get a lot done and my posts are just better in general. I also have found a lot of value in writing multiple posts at once. When I am in the zone if you will, I am able to come up with a ton of great ideas and one thought can lead me down a rabbit hole into several other ideas!

Have Fun

At the end of the day, all of this content is here to be of entertainment and education! I find my blog to be a great creative outlet and I try to create content that I enjoy and that my readers would also enjoy. When you are organized and take some time to plan out your posts and think them through, you are well on your way to success!

