How to Start Using Affiliate Links on your Blog

How to Start Affiliate Marketing

If you told me a year ago that I would be making money off of Instagram and my blog, I would have thought you were crazy!! Lo and behold, here I am a year later monetizing my accounts and making some money each month. Although my checks aren’t huge yet, I am starting to work my way toward a financially sound future!

To really understand how to grow your blog and Instagram, as well as promote your blog, please check out my latest online course!! I teamed up once again with my girl Kathryn to bring you our marketing expertise in a blogger setting. Now, keep reading to get a taste of the course and what you can expect!

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a small commission a content creator receives for sharing and promoting a certain brand. This could be a 2% commission from Nordstrom for showing your audience their new dress, or an 8% commission from Boohoo for sharing a bodysuit. Although the rates vary by business, it’s a way for bloggers to make some money and in my case, continue funding the website!

Find Affiliate Brands

One of the most important aspects to monetizing a blog is to connect with affiliate links! I personally use RewardStyle. The program is easy to apply to and I was accepted a week or two after I sent in my information. I most often use it on Instagram, although I have begun to use it more on my website as well. They feature a ton of the stores I already shop from and while the commission rates are never huge, they do start to quickly add up. Depending on your niche, I would recommend looking into various affiliate options and see which one correlates best with your niche.

Use Original Content for Links

Now that you have found affiliate links, be sure to post yourself actually wearing or using the products you recommend. While yes it can be easy to just share cool products from the internet, people are more likely to buy what they see on your person. This can be done through pictures of yourself modeling clothes or using cooking accessories in a baking post. Not only does this provide a stronger visual for your audience, but you will personally be more successful at speaking to your audience because you know what you like and dislike about a product.

Links are Tools

Finally, remember that links are tools and are secondary to the actual content post. While yes, it is exciting to post links and realize you may be able to monetize your account; you also do not want to overwhelm your audience. I personally use links as an afterthought and focus more on my photos/copy. At the end of the day, you want to sell the story behind products and the affiliate links are the tool your reader uses to get their item.

Get that Coin

Now that you know how to start affiliate links, now is the time to use them in your posts! I personally love adding affiliate links to all of my fashion content, it makes me feel like a truly successful blogger. As a final bonus tip, always remember to be transparent about links. I think the most successful bloggers are open about what they do and your audience will appreciate it. Now, get to linking!!!



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