Why Every Blogger Needs to Network

Networking in Blogging

When I began my journey into blogging a year ago, I did not personally know anyone who was writing! Fortunately, it did not take long before I started connecting with local bloggers and content creators. Although there was a long period before I met anyone in person, I am so happy to have gone out and met some amazing people who share in my passions!!!

Why Networking

As a blogger or social media creator, it can be a bit isolating just working from your phone or computer. This is where networking comes in! It’s a great way to meet people in the field who are experiencing the same highs and lows as you are. Networking is also a great way to learn from other creators who are doing things right AND wrong. I have gained so much information and ideas from my blogger friends.

Another bonus to internet friendships is the potential for growth! When you collaborate with other creators, you are more likely to grow and increase in readership or followers. This is due to their followers trusting them and wanting to follow people similar to accounts they already like. It’s honestly a win win for everyone!

How to Network

Networking on social media is actually rather simple AND it’s a good way to practice reaching out to people, something a growing influencer must do to receive brand deals. I network through daily engagement with accounts I like and people I want to connect with. This means writing a meaningful comment and liking the image.

If the person is more local, which is crucial for growing creators, I send them DMs! I have messaged so many people throughout my time in social media and I ended up with modeling gigs of all sorts. I also have messaged creators to just collaborate and those collaborations have blossomed into real life connections! When fellow creators live nearby, it’s easier to meet up IRL and help each other grow and make incredible content!! Look below at some of the iconic shots my new friend April took of me ☺️

Who Will Benefit

Everyone thats who!! When you start networking with fellow creatives, you will feed off of everyones energy and learn of new perspectives to use in your own media. I have gleaned some great posing and photography tips from photographers, while also learning business tips from collaborators! Remember, you can’t grow without spreading your roots. By taking the risk to meet new people, everyone wins!

Now, I challenge you all to reach out to 3 new people and start making those connections!!



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