3 Easy Ways to Grow on Instagram in 2021

3 Easy Tips for Instagram Growth

Since I started taking my Instagram account seriously only a year ago, I went from less than 800 followers to over 9,000!! To this day I still don’t believe it but it was possible through consistency, daily engagement, and unique content creation. If you are just starting out on Instagram, here are my tips to grow in 2021!

1: Post on a Consistent Schedule

Humans thrive on a schedule! Whether that schedule is posting on MWF or every day like I do, always be consistent and stick to the regiment you promised your audience. If you are inconsistent with your posts, Instagram is less likely to push your content to your followers and this will lead to decreased engagement. That not only hurts your chances for collaborating with brands, but will also stunt your growth! The key with Instagram is to appear frequently on as many people’s pages as possible.

Alongside consistency is scheduling themes to your posts. I personally share loungewear Sunday pictures which are geared towards the present loungewear trend. From pajama sets to athleisure finds, my audience knows they are going to get the same kind of posts at the end of the week! Similarly, I also post reels each Wednesday on my series called “What to Wear Wednesday”. These videos provide styling tips to my audience while again remaining consistent with my posting schedule!


2: Take Time for Engagement

A key aspect to influencer marketing is always engaging with your followers. Whether that is liking their images or responding to comments, you should always spend at least 15 minutes a day engaging with your audience. This way, Instagram can boost your posts and your audience knows a person is behind the page, not a robot of sorts. I personally love the engagement part because this allows me to understand my followers better and I’ve made so many digital friends through engaging.

Similarly, be sure to also be reaching out to new potential followers each day. Whether that is someone in a nearby town or a creator you admire, try to like their 6 most recent images while also leaving a meaningful comment. Also never shy away from following new people; that’s how you continue to learn and grow yourself! I follow a wide array of influencers personally; I feel like I learn the most from the content I personally consume!!

3: Create Reels and Video Content

Back in August of 2020, Instagram released their new feature Reels. These short videos were my key to growth this past year. I had several videos go viral (which I still can’t believe!) which led to huge influxes of followers and engagement. My personal strategy for reels is to see what is popular on tiktok and create my own useful content based around that trend. Personally my marketing videos have been the most popular but this tip works across all niches!

Remember with reels, the key is to be brief and engaging. Perhaps try a fun song or eye catching imagery to keep your audience watching all the way through. I also recommend using relevant hashtags and resharing the videos to your story. At the end of the day social media was always meant to be social so treat it as such!

Most of my recent pictures now have correlating videos! It’s great for engagement and growing overall on IG!

Happy Creating!

If you use any of these tips or would like further information, don’t hesitate to reach out! I currently mentor small creators via Zoom if you are looking to personally connect. Just be sure to check out my contact form and we can get you pencilled in!



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