Why Bloggers MUST Use Facebook

The Power of Facebook

If you grew up anything like me, you remember how exciting it was to get a Facebook back in middle school. I remember my parents were fairly strict about social media growing up, I wasn’t allowed to have an account until I was 13! There were many occasions when I went to my friends house and made a secret account for playing Farmville. My how the times have changed 😂

Fast forward a decade, I have made myself a career on social media and use Facebook for more than just games. Nowadays, Facebook is the perfect hub for networking and cross posting daily content! While yes, Instagram is still my main focus, I have learned to stop sleeping on Facebook. It’s too valuable for bloggers not to use. Now, keep reading to see what I use Facebook for!!

Facebook Groups

Networking Groups:

When I say to join networking groups, I mean JOIN THEM!! As a small blogger, I gained so many collaborations and connections just by participating in threads! I personally enjoyed the Goal Digger Podcast (which is problematic but a good starting point) and other local networking groups. Just search for your biggest city in the area and go from there!

Engagement Groups:

Another great way to grow as a blogger is to utilize engagement groups! I’ve been using them for some time and even began some admin duties for one! Check us out here 🥰 Engagement groups are a great way to increase likes and comments on your socials, as well as build communities. Truthfully, I have the best conversations from these groups. They are far more intimate and a great way to support both your blog and similar blogs! Networking is truly key to social media.

Niche Groups:

Another type of group you can join is a niche group or specific group based on your interests! I have joined small business groups for my marketing work and blogging work, while also joining specifically Pinterest or blogging groups. Each time I utilize these groups, I always notice a spike in engagement or views on my website!

Blogger Pages

If you are trying to monetize your socials, consider creating a business Facebook page! I have one specifically for my blog found here. With a business page, you are then able to link websites and outside sources as well as cross post content. I always re-share my Instagram posts to Facebook because I have slightly different audiences on each platform. If you are able to, prepare ahead of time and auto post your Facebook content utilizing far fewer hashtags than you would on Instagram.

Another benefit of a page is the community! I have created a lovely group of people on my Facebook page that constantly support me and my work. You can also make sales on Facebook! I have made so many sales on LiketoKnow.it or other websites just because I posted to my page.

Let’s Connect

Now that you are on Facebook, let’s connect! Be sure to follow me on the aforementioned groups and get yourself started on a path to success! Without Facebook, I firmly believe monetization will be that much harder. When you cross publish your work, you are more likely to make a sale AND connect with a broader audience!



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