Amazon Finds for April 2021

Amazon Finds for April

I cannot believe we are coming up on almost a year of Amazon finds! I started this series last May after looking in to fun blog themes. Little did I know I would quickly become obsessed with scouring Amazon for the best in fashion, home and lifestyle. With my moving date only a month away, I will soon be switching into home focused content. Until then, please enjoy my fashion finds for this past month!

Amazon Fashion

Cartier Love Ring Dupe

This spring, I have decided to try out chunkier rings instead of the delicate jewelry I have worn for the last few years. Honestly up until I began blogging, I was terrible about accessorizing my outfits. Nonetheless, I had eyed this chunky ring for some time now and I took the plunge and added it to my collection!

Now full disclosure I have already lost a gem in the time I received this piece but for under $20, it’s still a fun accessory to have! I tend to wear it on my pointer finger and style with several other rings. If you are to wear it, perhaps don’t bring it to a labor intensive workplace!

Blue Mini Skirt

This skirt was actually a repurchase for a skirt I found last year! I got the original skirt in a fun green color but have really enjoyed blue these last few months. I also picked up a nice blue top recently so I thought the two would go well together.

Whether you are going on a date in this skirt, or just looking to stay cool in these warmer months, I think this skirt is a great addition to any wardrobe! For my tall gals, perhaps consider sizing up for length but overall its a great budget-friendly find that takes me right back to junior high.

Lululemon Align Leggings Dupe

Leggings; Tee; Sneakers; Jacket (similar)

I think I’m now the queen of dupes 😂 For the longest time, I have really loved my Lululemon align leggings but at $100 a pair, they are hard to buy multiples of. Enter these great alternatives from Amazon! While my first pair of dupes did not work well, this one did and I’m in love!

To start, I had to try the classic black although I will probably pick them up in one of the many other colors they come in. I enjoy how buttery they are and while you can kind of tell they are of a cheaper quality, they are a great budget friendly option for a quick errand!

White Sneakers

My final two fashion finds were gifted by AKK but I’m genuinely obsessed with them. This first white pair reminds me of Yeezy’s but far more affordable. They are also chunky without overwhelming your feet, making them perfect for fitted dresses like this one. If you are headed anywhere this summer that requires a lot of walking, you will definitely need to pack these. I honestly wish I had these back in Europe!

Tan Sneakers

Finally we have these tan sneakers by AKK! I like the sleeker style to this pair, you can really style them with a lot. While you can stick to athleisure for these shoes, I think street style suits them just as well.

Now, I also love how lightweight they are. Again they would be great for travel and any kind of long walks. Since testing them out, I have felt no discomfort and I find them to be akin to many of the running shoes I see from name brands. Overall so pleased!

Happy Shopping

I hope this post provided some shopping inspiration for you! I genuinely love scouring Amazon for the best fashion finds. Whether you are looking for active pieces or dupes, Amazon is a one stop shop. I can’t wait to see what I find next month, so stay tuned!



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