How to Save Money Online Shopping

Saving when Online Shopping

One of my greatest obsessions during quarantine has been online shopping!! I love scrolling through websites looking for cute clothing to share and test out myself. According to my dad, I have shipments coming daily but I just think of myself as helping the economy during these times. The only downside to this habit is how costly it can get 😅 Fortunately, I have picked up some hacks along the way to make shopping that much easier!! To test them out, I even provided some links for you to shop my top picks!

Check Multiple Stores

I can not tell you how important it is to shop around when online! You basically have an entire mall right at your fingertips 😍 For example, a few weeks ago I ran out of the Urban Decay Naked Foundation. When I was searching for my favorite foundation awhile back, I looked first at Nordstrom (who has amazing customer service and free shipping!) but they didn’t have what I wanted. I then looked at Sephora and while they did have the product, it was not free shipping. Finally, I hopped on to Ulta and found what I was looking for!! I got free shipping AND little gifts with purchase. As much of a pain checking different websites can be, it will pay off in the end to save some good money!

Sign up for Rewards

I can’t tell you how much I’ve saved by signing up for free rewards on websites! If you are shopping for the first time at smaller places, there are usually deals for new users. Just add an email and you will get a special code for however much off. The same thing works for students. Stores like Urban Outfitters and ASOS have student discounts that can really add up! If you don’t like the emails afterwards, it’s pretty easy to unsubscribe later on. Sometimes you just need to do a little extra for big savings!

Look for Free Shipping

I am the biggest fan of free shipping!! For spots like Nordstrom and Amazon Prime, free shipping is offered on everything. If you don’t want to buy a ton of clothes from one place to qualify for discounts, just stick to solely free shipping stores. It will save you a lot in the end and you won’t feel like you have to get stuff you don’t need!! That leads me into…

Don’t Overbuy

As hard as this may be, especially online when all the outfits are just right here, try to buy only what you need. I try to go into any shopping adventure with a list on my phone so I know exactly what my wardrobe needs at a given time. Same goes for lifestyle products! I try to avoid buying items that will bring me to a free shipping limit because that tends to leave me with more items than I probably need. Unfortunately, the best way to save is to only buy what you need.

Buy Trendy Items at Inexpensive Stores

As you may know, I love a trendy piece here and there. Recently, I picked up an amazing hot pink blazer for only $20!! I don’t know how often I’ll actually wear it, but it’s such a fun piece that I couldn’t pass it up. I love shopping from places like Target when looking for accessories or outfits that I don’t plan to wear a ton. This way, I can afford to try out lots of trends and I can really splurge on big items that I know will last me a long time (like a good handbag!)

Save Your Money

At the end of the day, we are living in weird times and while it’s great to treat ourselves, I think there are great advantages to saving our money as well! Personally, online shopping has become a way for me to cope and still have something to look forward to during these crazy times. I personally own the majority of these items and am loving them! Let me know if you want any other types of online shopping posts ❤️



** Disclaimer: Some or all links are affiliate which means I get some commission at no cost to you! Just shop as you normally would and I can continue paying for this website!!

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